Registrar Corp’s Timeline

Registrar Corp grew from a need for businesses to meet changing regulatory standards. Over the past 20 years, we’ve evolved alongside regulatory compliance in the U.S., expanding and adjusting our service offerings as new needs arose. Today, we can look back on that history with pride.


2003 – Launch of Registrar Corp

After The Bioterrorism Act passes post-9/11, our co-founders see the need for a compliance authority able to supply affordable services. They start Registrar Corp to help food facilities meet new FDA registration and customs regulations and keep our supply chain safe.

2004 – Registrar Corp adds Label and Ingredient Review services

When the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA) is passed, Registrar Corp begins offering label and ingredient reviews that support food labeling compliance.

2005 – Registrar Corp adds Food Canning Establishment (FCE) services

As requirements and filing systems for Acidified and Low-Acid Canned Food (AF/LACF) shift, Registrar Corp shifts to offer support for food canning establishment registration.

2006 – Registrar Corp expands into medical device compliance

Recognizing a need for compliance support across industries, Registrar Corp adds a new industry to our client list: medical device establishments.

2009 – Registrar Corp expands into drug compliance

Just three years later, we accelerate our growth even further by offering targeted compliance services for drug establishments.

2011 – Registrar Corp adds food safety services

We expand our food safety offerings in response to the FDA Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) which increases food safety standards for domestic goods across the U.S. 

2015 – Registrar Corp adds FSVP services

The Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) makes importers and foreign suppliers responsible for imported food safety standards, leading Registrar Corp to offer FSVP plan and implementation support.

2018 – Compliance Monitor software launch

Registrar Corp launches its first proprietary software platform to help importers monitor their suppliers and exporters to monitor their facilities to comply with FSVP regulations.

2018 – Bertram Capital invests in Registrar Corp

Partnering with private equity firm Bertram Capital allows Registrar Corp to support continued growth and accelerate our development of new products and services. 

2020 – Registrar Corp acquires
Vinca, LLC

Vinca, LLC, a leading provider of food safety management online training, becomes the basis for Registrar Corp’s multi-industry Online Training platform and subscription-based eLibrary, RegiLearn.

2021 – Paine Schwartz Partners invests in Registrar Corp

Ready for the next phase of growth, we take on a new partnership, this time with global leader in sustainable food chain investing, Paine Schwartz Partners.

2022 – Registrar Corp acquires Cosmetri

Cosmetri is a regulatory and formulation solution for cosmetics manufacturers and R&D labs which allows them to develop and regulate compliant products collaboratively.

2022 – Registrar Corp acquires
A la Calc

A la Calc, a proprietary recipe software solution, allows food industry professionals a secure platform for recipe and nutrition analysis, costing, and nutritional fact label creation.


The future of Registrar Corp

Registrar Corp has come a long way in two decades—and that’s just the beginning. As we continue to grow and evolve as leaders in compliance, our progress will always be measured by our ability to support our clients, promote consumer safety, and help keep our supply chain healthy.

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